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Supplier of chemicals

In recent years, Persal has been known as one of the largest suppliers of raw materials in the field of chemicals and polymers. By providing high quality products from well-known and experienced companies, it provides the diverse needs of producers inside Iran completely and in accordance with international quality standards and safety principles.

Chemical products that we supply:

Phosphoric acid

Potassium sorbate


Potassium hydroxide

Sodium super absorbent


Ascorbic acid


Poly amid

Sodium citrate


Polyamide fibers

The best price for selling chemicals

Various industries, from clothing production to the most advanced fields of medicine, refining, metal industries, etc., require the use of chemicals to continue their existence.

Factors affecting the increase in the final price of chemical products

Production conditions and methods




Application of chemicals in industry

Chemicals used in various industries. Chemicals include all kinds of chemical compounds, elements, ions and alloys that are obtained from mines and natural sources without any change and are used in various industrial fields.

How many types of chemicals do we have?

Chemicals in two categories, organic substances and minerals

Organic matter includes substances that are made from the decomposition of the body parts of living organisms.

Minerals include substances

Selling chemicals

One of the most important points for buying chemicals and placing orders for chemicals is to have global material standards. Therefore, order chemicals from suppliers and registered companies that you can track.

List of the most commonly used chemicals

Ascorbic acid, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen gas are among the most widely used chemicals compared to other chemicals.
